Tired of spending hours in the stores or online and finding Nothing to source for your Amazon business?

Let us use our proven Replens finding techniques and provide a list to you of replenish-ables you can start sourcing today.  Click Get List Now in the menu above or if you would like to know more about us and our process, enter you email below and click on Learn More.

Profitable Amazon FBA Replenishables that you buy once and source again and again. 

Here's how to get started:

What is a Replenish-able? Start Here!

Most people think of a replenish-able as a product that a single customer would buy again and again, like rice for example.  While that could very well be a product on our lists, it is best to think of a replen instead as a product that you can continue to source from the same location at the same profitable price again and again.

If it's a list, how to avoid the race to the bottom?

While this can be a problem with any list you buy, we study historical data to verify each replen has held it's price with more sellers than the max allowed for our lists.  While this is no guarantee to prevent a race to the bottom, we have seen our lists perform very well for our customers.

What Guarantees do I have that this will work for me?

Due to the nature of our lists, we can not offer a money back guarantee.  However, if just 1 product from the list works out for you, then the list more than pays for itself.

How does the Subscription plan work?

Sign up for our monthly subscription for just $100 additional and every month we will send you 5 exclusive replens.  If you ever feel like you have enough replens, you can cancel at any time.

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July 21, 2020


May 29, 2020


May 28, 2020


About Me.

I started out doing Retail Arbitrage in 2017.  I  had some success with clearance items and additional successes in Q4.  About 18 months into my journey, I had a few replens in my inventory without really knowing it and once I identified those and the success they were bringing me, I began to develop a process for how to find those more easily.  My  business has never been the same since.  At this point, I have more replens than I can source, so I decided to pass some of those along to you. I really look forward to working with you to help you grow your business.


They Say

Peter Sven

9 to 5er wanting so much more

" I have to admit, I was skeptical. I  was waiting for the inevitable race to the bottom. Surprisingly it never came and I have paid for the list multiple times over."

Julia Smith

Stay At Home Mom

" I am so excited to have found your Replens list. I  was never able to find the time to stand in the stores and find replens even though I knew this is what I needed to do.  I found your replens list at the perfect time."

Still Not Convinced?

I get it, you're afraid I'm full of shit.  Why not just jump on my list below and hear what I have to say?  I'll either prove to you I'm full of shit and you will unsubscribe or I'll prove to you I'm not and you can start growing your business with Replens.
